Election Observation Digitization Training for PAFFREL election observers for 2020 general election in Sri Lanka. System developed using KoBoToolbox
Election Observation Digitization Training for PAFFREL election observers for 2020 general election in Sri Lanka. System developed using KoBoToolbox
COVID-19 Micro and Small Business Impact Study findings and recommendations were presented by PASSAsia Consultancy group on 9th June 2020 in Colombo Sri Lanka.
Online small business accounting, mobile data collection and Android/iOS APP development at 50% discount is COVID-19 Micro and Small Business response from PASSAsia
COVID-19 Micro and Small Business Impact Study in Sri Lanka. Ministry partnered with PASSAsia, Colombo, Peradeniya and Sabaragamuwa universities.
This is one of the pioneering projects to digitize election monitoring systems in Sri Lanka. This will be deployed for 2020 general election by PAFFREL.
PASSAsis perform this consultancy to support the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya to obtain needs of students, instructors and employers to revise its ICT curriculum.
This is one of the most important national level Tech Industry Survey in Sri Lanka. Findings will help education institutes to train their Tech students to increase employability.
Mobile data collection survey in Sinhala and Tamil languages in 4 districts in Sri Lanka using three teams of graduates as real time and off-line data collection.
PASSAsia has contributed National Craft Council (NCC) to set up this ICT system as a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) project with totally free basis.
Peace and reconciliation related project evaluations were completed for Caritas Sri Lanka. This was very comprehensive study with quantitative and qualitative data collection.